Emotional Wellbeing
As a school, we take the role of supporting and promoting positive emotional well–being for all the children and families within our community as a priority.
We have a key role to play in enabling pupils and families to develop positive emotional well–being so that they are able to most readily access their learning, develop resilience and the ability to problem solve and to ensure positive health (inc. mental health) development to enable children to achieve the best outcomes.
At Watcombe we create a safe & calm, consistent and structured school environment with clear expectations that are communicated throughout the whole curriculum and ethos. The school aims and values underpin all that we do within the school community.
The school is a calm and orderly environment. Pupils are courteous to all members of the school community. There is a strong sense of mutual respect throughout the school. Adults are clear about what they expect from pupils, and pupils are keen to demonstrate the best conduct possible.
Ofsted Nov. 17
In order to best promote positive emotional well–being a range of strategies have been developed across the whole school, both formal and informal, that are both universally embedded within the school culture and also available to meet specific needs. These processes are underpinned by fostering partnerships with families to achieve active engagement and meet the community needs.
Pupils feel confident that they are safe in school and could speak to any member of staff if they have a concern. (Ofsted Nov. 17)
Pupils spoke confidently and knowledgeably about how to stay safe in school, online and in the wider community. (Ofsted Nov. 17)
At Watcombe there is a high investment to promote emotional well–being that permeates all we do. Staff are trained within a range strategies from whole school positive behaviour management to understanding attachment to drawing therapy. There is a specific pastoral team dedicated to working with individuals and small groups of children including a specific of supporting families.
Pupils said that incidents of bullying are rare. They are confident that, on the occasions when bullying occurs, leaders deal with this quickly and effectively so that there are no recurrences. Consequently, pupils trust staff to keep them safe.
Ofsted Nov. 17
The following organisations, have been highlighted by the Department for Education as they offer information and support on mental health and wellbeing:
At Watcombe the key to sustaining and promoting positive emotional mental health is the early identification of a concern and then the allocation of early support. This may involve the pastoral team and the SENDCO. Further specialist support may be accessed if required through the school referral processes.
If you have any concerns I relation to emotional well–being please don’t hesitate to contact us and we may be able to help.
The DfE also highlight the importance of promoting positive mental health and behaviour in schools.
Positive Mental Health Strategy
As part of the Watcombe Primary School: Positive Mental Health Strategy the school are working with the NHS Children’s Mental Health Support Team to ensure and building a provision that supports the needs of the school community. The strategy is clearly under pinned through a: Look, Listen and Link approach.
This means that we will work together with the community, in collaboration, to ensure that information, advice and services related to improving mentally healthy living are available. Throughout 2021 we will be seeking your support to help our Mental Health Support Team develop provisions in line with local need. I would like to thank you in advance, for your input and participation.
In addition to this the MHST team are supporting us in identifying and planning a way forward as we come out of lockdown and look to the future. Parents have completed a questionnaire relating to this so, as a school, we can plan actions with everyone’s experience and views are taken into consideration.