
Regular attendance is an essential requirement for every pupil. The school’s target is for each child to achieve 96% or more attendance.

We aim to ensure that good attendance has a high priority with pupils, parents and teachers.

Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child regularly attends the school at which they are registered. Failure to fulfill this duty may result in the Local Authority taking legal action. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child attends school regularly, punctually, properly dressed and equipped and in a fit condition to learn.

Poor attendance is detrimental to a child’s educational progress and to their social and emotional development. It is therefore important that clear school policies are used to deal promptly with the causes of non-attendance.


In line with the attendance policy, parents / carers may request a leave of absence for their child(ren) to the Headteacher by completing an absence request form (link below)


All absence requests forms will be considered on a case by case basis and only authorised where there are exceptional circumstances. The Headteacher will determine the number of school days a pupil can be away from school if the leave is granted.

Absences from school will not be authorised for: Holidays not agreed, birthdays, shopping, looking after family members or visiting relatives / family event (unless relatives are of the first or second degree).

Appeal Process

If the holiday is unauthorised, you have the right to appeal to the school Governors.  If you would like to appeal this decision please write to the Chair of the Children and Curriculum Committee via the school within 10 days of receiving the notification. In your appeal please state any additional documentation and supporting evidence that you feel may help your case e.g. medical evidence.

If the decision to unauthorise the leave of absence is upheld by the Governors and the child is taken out of the school, this will be recorded as an Unauthorised Absence.  If you do not appeal, and the child is taken out of the school, this will be recorded as an Unauthorised Absence.

If your child has 10 unauthorised absences (1 absence= ½ day, the equivalent of 5 school days)  within a 6 month period you may be liable to a Penalty Notice for each child per parent or carer.

The Penalty Notice carries a penalty of £60 if paid in full within 21 days or £120 if paid in full after this time but within 28 days. We are unable to accept part or late payments and there is no legal right to appeal the Penalty Notice once it has been issued. If a Penalty Notice goes unpaid, this is likely to result in Court proceedings being taken against you for an offence of failing to ensure regular school attendance contrary to section 444 Education Act 1996. If convicted, you may face a fine of up to £2500 and/or a maximum 3 months imprisonment.

Poor attendance will have a significant impact on how well any child can achieve.

Attendance Days' learning missed Outcome
100% attendance No learning missed BEST CHANCE OF SUCCESS WELL DONE!
4% Attendance 1 week, 2.5 days missed BEST CHANCE OF SUCCESS WELL DONE!
10% Absence 3 weeks, 4 days missed Poor Attendance - I'm Worried
15% Absence 5 weeks, 3 days missed Poor Attendance - I'm Worried
20% Absence & Below At least 7 weeks, 3 days missed Very Poor Attendance - Seriously Concerned

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