Key Information
It is with the highest priority that all those who come into contact with children and families at Watcombe Primary School have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We pride ourselves in having robust systems and procedures in place to ensure that concerns are raised, actions taken and that impact is reviewed. The Governing body is accountable for ensuring that our policies and procedures are in place, are followed and are effective. There are two governors with specific responsibility for overseeing the strategic implementation of the Safeguarding Policy. The school has a strong working relationship with outside agencies and our proactive practise is often held-up as an example for others.
Safeguarding is an integral part of recruitment (senior leaders and governors have all been trained in Safer Recruitment), induction and on-going training for all staff and volunteers working within the school. It is also is a standard agenda item within the weekly staff briefing meeting. Our safeguarding records are comprehensive and stored using an online management system.
We also prioritise teaching the children how to keep themselves safe and healthy. This is achieved through the planned curriculum, through windows of opportunity and through whole school events such as Child Assault Prevention training from YR-Y6. Alongside this, the Watcombe Safeguarding Team, offer information sessions for parents, send home regular safeguarding updates and actively encourage parents to come in and share concerns.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Leaders have shaped an environment where safeguarding is at the core. There is an expectation that everyone has a safeguarding role, and leaders have provided training opportunities to further emphasise this.
The local authority holds the school’s safeguarding proceedures in high regard. Using detailed and thorough analysis of the safeguarding culture in school, leaders seek ways to constantly improve. The local authority celevbrates leaders’ work and has used Watcombe as a model for other schools to see how a successful safeguarding audit return should be completed.