SEND and Accessibility
Key Staff
SEND Governors: Fiona Prior/Jenny McVeigh
At Watcombe Primary School we pride ourselves on the successful inclusion of all children. We strive to meet all pupils’ needs, including those with SEND, initially through quality first teaching which is differentiated to pupils abilities and supported by targeted support in small groups or 1:1 where necessary.
Watcombe Primary School has close relationships with a variety of agencies which help us support pupils with SEND, such as: Educational Psychology, Speech and Language therapy, Local authority advisory services, health professional's through our school nurse and Specialist Outreach services offered by other schools.
SENDIASS Torbay supports parents and carers through a range of ways including phone or email contact and face-to-face meetings. We also provide a signposting service to direct SEND children, young people and their parents or carers towards the organisations that is best suited to help them, ensuring that they are empowered to make informed decisions about the future.
You can find out more about our provision to support children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities and services available by clicking on the links at the bottom of this page
Click on here to view Torbay Council Local Offer .
What to do if you wish to make a complaint with regards to SEND provision:
We always seek to work closely with parents and pupils to resolve concerns before it gets to the stage of a complaint. We actively welcome parents into the school to talk about anything which may be worrying them. If any parent has a concern, they would be encouraged to meet with the class teacher initially and then the SENDCO or Headteacher. In the event of a dispute, the school governors, headteacher and local authority will work closely with parents to come to an agreed resolution. Parents are able to download the school’s complaints procedure from the school website, or a paper copy can be requested from the school office.
Watcombe Primary School is a fully accessible school. There is a designated accessible parking space in the staff car park for visitors with limited mobility and flat access to the main entrance of the building. Within the building we offer an accessible toilet and other facilities. Our classrooms are all located on one level and are accessed through a wide corridor. To the rear of the building we have a wheel-chair lift and ramps to offer means of access both to and from our lower level playgrounds and field.
You can access our accessibility plan below.