The curriculum at Watcombe reflects the ethos and vision of the school towards achieving the overall school aims.
The curriculum is evaluated at different levels to determine the impact it has upon pupil learning and the outcomes that are achieved. It is our belief, that a well structured and well taught curriculum should meet the needs of the pupils and ensure good progress from pupil starting points.
Both Senior Leaders (School Improvement Leaders) and Middle leaders have responsibility for evaluating the curriculum. This is undertaken through a range of activities that include: observing teaching and learning, discussion with pupils, sampling the quality of work books, analyses of planning and data outcomes. The following questions are asked in relation to ensuring the curriculum provision is as effective as possible:
- What have the children learnt?
- Is the learning at the appropriate level for the developmental stage / age?
- What needs to be developed / improved?
- Is it in line with the school policies / pedagogy?
Assessment is instrumental in tracking pupil progress. Assessment happens in a range of ways, from lesson by lesson processes gauging understanding and directing learning to a summative assessment demonstrating achievement over time. Assessments inform planning and provisions and may lead to a range of interventions from daily ‘speedy intervention’ to more formal programmes of intervention accessed over time.
Accurate assessment is vital and within the curriculum and a number of strategies (inc. formal mid year testing) are employed to ensure this is achieved. Assessments are also moderated both across the school and by working in partnership with other schools in order to achieve validation.
Assessment data is formally analyse times a year (see appendix A) in order to track progress of pupils and to ensure any additional support to enhance learning is actioned as early as possible in order to have the greatest impact. The impact of additional provisions are then monitored regularly to ensure they are having a positive impact.
Progress is tracked for specific groups of pupils: from starting points / Pupil Premium / SEND. The impact of provisions is then analysed to ensure it is having an impact upon learning.
At Watcombe there is also a focus relating to progress across the different phases of the school. School Improvement Leaders carefully consider and review transitions across phases, within and beyond the school, to ensure smooth and productive changes.
Governors are very proactive in monitoring the impact of the curriculum. The Children and Curriculum Committee meet termly and also have specified governors with specific remits to evaluate the impact of the curriculum on a termly basis:
Data Group – analyse current data for groups across school / analyse national data comparisons
Safeguarding & CLA
Personal Development, Welfare and Behaviour – analyses behaviour logs / attendance / pupil voice
SEND – specific focus on SEND provision and outcomes
Pupil Premium – specific focus on Pupil Premium provision and outcomes
Sports Funding (from Finance Committee)
All evaluative outcomes feed into the School Improvement Plan for the future developments.
Resourcing, Maintaining and Developing the Curriculum
Monitoring and evaluation
We regularly monitor the impact of our curriculum and reflect on the effectiveness through:
- Reviewing learning journeys and the impact on learning (including talking to the children.
- Recording and monitoring subject coverage over time to ensure breadth and balance.
- The school monitors the quality of teaching and learning through a structured self – evaluation programme.
Our Whole School Community as Learners
Community links are vitally important for the children to develop a sense of belonging and thrive in their learning. Each learning journey promotes a community link in order to value and celebrate learning that has happened.